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Most Important Things A Woman In Her 40S Is Looking For In A Partner

Last Updated Dec 21, 2018

Written By Top10Ratings

Dating in your 40s can feel intimidating and overwhelming since it is a completely new ball game. A person does not reach their forties without some baggage from the previous decades, not to mention a higher likeliness of already having a child from a previous relationship. Also, failed marriages in the past make an individual much more cautious the second time around, adding to the difficulties of an already complex scenario. But this should not discourage you from looking for a potential partner. There are a number of social platforms across the countries and dating websites that cater especially to people in their fourth decade. So, here are some things a woman in her 40s probably expects from her partner.

Respectful of her choices
A woman in her forties is more assured of her likes and dislikes than someone in her early twenties. She is aware of the music she prefers, her favorite dress, and also where he would like her life to go. As a partner, you need to be in a place where you’re not imposing your choices, likes or dislikes on her. Aside from this, you must be respectful of the choices that have led her to the person she is, fostering mutual respect and admiration.

There is a high probability that a woman in her 40s has had a significant long-term relationship which might have even led to marriage. Make sure that you are ready to deal with her preconceived notions about dating or worries about the past repeating which may lead to a rough patch in the relationship. A woman expects her partner to have an open mind regarding these issues and try to understand where she’s coming from.

Career oriented nature
A woman in her 40s is usually at the full swing of her career. From luxurious travel to romantic dinners, she is now finally enjoying the financial freedom that she looked forward to in her 20s. Hence, potential dates must be financially independent, compatible, and they should feel secure and confident about dating a financially independent woman.

Be upfront and honest
There is no time for guessing games. A woman will be upfront and honest if she is looking for a casual relationship or something more long-term. Because women in her 40s have seen their share of relationships, they are unafraid to speak their mind. So, openness is one of the most important qualities women look for in their partner. Avoid playing mind games or the like. A woman in this position will look for a partner who understands that personality characteristics and shared values are better compatibility indicators than looks and masculinity.

Badmouthing your previous relationship
This is one of the major red flags when beginning a new relationship. Badmouthing your exes indicates that you haven’t moved on from your previous relationship. It is okay to talk about your experience and share what you learned and how you feel about it without resorting to bitterness and insults. At the same time, a woman in 40s expects you to be patient and listen to her previous relationship experience before drawing any conclusions.

Go easy on self-deprecating humor
While humor is one of the main qualities women look for in their partners, it is easy to fall back and make fun of yourself which can be seen as a sign of nervousness. So, make sure you are funny but not always at your own expense. Even if you are genuinely joking, you might come off as negative and lacking in confidence. Stay away from humor that comes off as crass, or is at the expense of others.

Respect yourself
While the importance of a partner should not diminish, it is important that you understand your own worth at all times too. A woman in her 40s will always appreciate a man who holds his own and cares about his mental and physical well-being.

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