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What Makes VoIP Better Than Landlines?

Last Updated Jul 17, 2023

Written By Top10Ratings

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a service that, unlike a traditional telephone, allows a user to make calls over the Internet. With time, this technology has gained more popularity as many companies are switching to VoIP service for their business requirements. Be its scalability, features, or cost of communication, is VoIP better than landline? Let us look at some VoIP vs Landline features that answer that question.

How do these technologies work?

VoIP and landline systems are defined by the following concepts:

  • Landline
    A hardwired phone system that allows users to send voice messages using traditional phone lines. Using an analog private branch exchange system, these voice messages are delivered in a simple and controlled environment to the listener.
  • VoIP
    A technology that converts analog signals into digital signals, which makes it possible for users to initiate calls over the Internet. Analog signals, here, mean our voice. These signals are then transferred using the packet-switching method. Packet switching allows for the transfer of data using minimum file size, further allowing easy and quick transfer of information.

VoIP vs Landline – Costing

When it comes to business, each decision is a calculated step. Communications cost is also an important logistical hurdle that one must jump carefully. The choice between VoIP or landline becomes easy to manage once you have made a list of logistical costs of both. Apart from just basic hardware installation costs, you must also consider other potential costs like that of maintenance, employee training, various features, scalability.

When you consider all these factors, VoIP definitely is a winner here. The setup fee for this system is much lesser, the maintenance cost is lesser because the calls are made through the internet the charges are lower. Think of any aspect and compare it with your landline, the costs for VoIP would be considerably low. 

A VoIP system for 12 users would cost around $800, while a landline system for 12 users would cost around $2500.

VoIP vs Landline – Features

With the advent of the digital age, technology has evolved by multiple folds, and businesses have to keep with these new trends. This adaptability with new technology only implies that businesses are up to date and are compatible with change and flexibility.

While your traditional landline does the job of making standard phone calls, the VoIP system comes bearing many features that definitely give it an edge over a landline.

As we transcend more and more towards a virtual office, VoIP features are saviors! You can stay in touch with your employees and clients wherever convenient for both, even if they may not be in office. This allows the staff to work flexibly as well, giving employees the satisfaction of working in a comfortable environment.

Other features like barge and whisper, conference calls, auto attendant, audio to text, and even video calling provide vast options of communication without having to install new hardware for each. As mentioned before, VoIP is still cheaper to install than a standard landline and comes with these additional features.

VoIP vs Landline – Reliability

Landlines were invented with the sole purpose of making long-distance vocal communication possible. Since the year 1876, landline has successfully fulfilled this very purpose without any hassles. Even during power cuts, landlines are our reliable mode of communication.

VoIP’s backbone is the Internet, which is both a boon and a curse. The technology fully depends on a strong Internet connection to make calls; hence, it is vital that you go with a service provider that has the bandwidth to work with a large business. Some also provide the facility to route the connection through a smartphone when there is a power outage, so make sure you clarify and check for alternate options of rerouting your network connection.

Option of scalability

As your business grows, you have to invest in growing your communication network as well. This also means staying in touch with employees that may not be sitting with you in the same office, or even country. Scaling to a bigger business can be a logistical hurdle, but with VoIP, your option to scale becomes easy.

Installing traditional landlines for your growing business can be a bit of a hassle considering its installation costs, and maintenance support, so when you consider the option of scalability, VoIP is better than landlines for sure.

Security – Landline or VoIP?

A secure communications system is a must when conducting business. Traditional landline systems are certainly secure unless the phone lines have been hampered with physically. There is no leeway of any virus attack or malware malfunction.

When it comes to VoIP, one must make sure that a good security system is in place. While it is not possible to trace the route of the packets of data that are sent digitally, there is still a possibility of a virus attack. Make sure you depend on a reliable VoIP service provider that has a secure system to prevent these attempts by any hostile entities.

Call pricing

You can choose to make short- or long-distance calls with VoIP or landline, but which is the cheaper mode of communication? VoIP wins this battle hands down. Making long-distance calls from a landline can incur huge costs for your business, but since VoIP calls are made over the Internet, the costs cut down drastically. You only have to pay for your Internet service.

It is safe to say that while traditional landlines have been our primary choice of communication for years, with time, we have to adapt to a technology that is more flexible and complies with the ever-changing digital world around us. The question of VoIP or Landline has an easy answer – VoIP!

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